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Most Ordered (7)
Turkish Kawa Tea
Coconut Cookie
Kesar Tea
Bun Maska
Plain Cookie
Chocolate Cookie
Detox Tea
Tea (9)
Speciali-Tea (6)
Turkish Kawa Tea
Pineapple Tea
Green Tea
Black Tea
Detox Tea
Ginger Tea
Tea (3)
Nagori Tea
Kesar Tea
Kullad Tea
Special Coffee (4)
Nagori Coffee
Kullad Coffee
Black Coffee
Full Coffee
Price Transparency Statement: The discounts and offers displayed on Messiah reflect savings compared to other food delivery platforms. In certain cases, prices on Messiah may be lower than those offered directly by the restaurant or outlet. Please note that prices listed on Messiah are determined by our platform and not by the individual restaurants. Messiah’s pricing policy is designed to deliver maximum value to our customers.